
Quick Food Storage Camouflage

I am among the privileged who do not have a separate food storage, but many people have some place to store small amounts of food and even less to provide space for an entire year's supply. Its shelves and cabinets are required for all the necessary elements, such as clothing and utensils. This leave is not easy to put extra seats on the cans of food. It 'so obvious that we must exercise their imagination to create a means to store extra food in casewhich presents a situation of emergency.

The key in situations like this is just hiding the preservation of food. There are some items you will need to deduce the Disappearing Act of storage space for food. You'll need a bucket and a large number of tablecloths few. If you want you can use plywood or glass on the bucket.

It is necessary first to organize the storage of different foods in different asset classes.The objects, which makes you want to adjust, and those that can be stored. Items stored would be used are sometimes also used as food in a calendar month. Create a list of inventory items and to separate the two groups.

Place the items identified as not likely to be used regularly in a bucket large to be stored away. These elements, sugar, powdered milk, pasta, flour, oatmeal and all other varieties of oats, or pasta.Keep a small box in the kitchen that contains these products for your everyday use, and if the backup starts to run low, it fills the container.

The easiest way to achieve this magic storage, use a plastic bag. Place the bag started in the large bucket and fill it with your food. When fully established, the plastic wrap and secure until the end of most airplanes. Put on the lid of the bucket and close securely.

HideThese containers can allocate more buckets in a way that would be similar to a table. This can be in the front of your sofa, asking only two side by side. Situated next to a table cloth on it, compliments your room in September Be sure to completely cover the bucket. For extra stability you can add a square of plywood on top of the bucket before issuing the tablecloth on it.

If you fancy a coffee table, simply place four buckets in a linepair. It can also be used to increase the stability of a plywood top. Place your tablecloth is now on top of the plywood and let down by the bucket.

You can also easily put the bucket on the shelves. Location basically two buckets on the floor a distance of about five meters and then place a wooden plank, twenty feet long on top of the bucket. Stack two more buckets on top of the board in alignment with the bucket selected. Furtherthis until the number of shelves that you want to achieve.

If you do not like the look of the bucket, when used as a shelf to be, you might spot a board or painted on the front of the bucket and a place to hide. You can still use the bucket from the side. The secret to hide your food storage is only with the imagination to the fullest.

Copyright @ 2008 Joseph Parish

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